BU7705 - Strategic Management


Strategic Management


20 CC   10 ECTS

Chester Campus, Isle of Man College (IOM), Southville Foreign University, Kensington College, Dimensions International College and Global College Malta

Successful completion of Stage 1 of the programme, or eqivalent.

Class contact is 30 hours

Independent study is 170 hours.

Total learning time: 200 hours

Scheduled hours Placement Hours Independent Guided study
0 0 0

It is expected that delegates will attend all sessions to ensure effective learning and actively engage with all directed and guided reading and preparatory activities for classes.

  1. Understanding strategy: introducing strategy, characteristics of strategic decisions, levels of strategy, vocabulary of strategy, strategic management in different contexts
  2. Analysing Resources and Capabilities: External and Internal Audit.  Managing Strategic Information.  Customer and Competitor Analysis.  Understanding Industries and Markets.  Sources of Competitive Advantage. Strategic Capability
  3. Expectations and purposes: Stakeholder expectations, business ethics and social responsibility, communicating organisational purposes values mission statements objectives
  4. Strategic Choice: directions and methods of development, Strategic Alliances.  Competitive Strategies.  Managing risk
  5. Strategy development and implementation. Managing Change. Managing Performance

  1. Understand the vocabulary of strategy and develop an appreciation of the main areas of study in corporate strategy: including the need to appreciate issues of ethics and information management in formulating corporate strategy.
  2. Critically evaluate the practical issues and problems of corporate strategy as applied to an organisational context: including appreciation of the significance and sources of competitive advantage
  3. Explore both the rational and creative approaches to the development of successful corporate strategy in an organisational context.
  4. Appreciate & develop an understanding of the way in which organisational structures, processes, information systems and the management of relationships, are important in organising for strategic success  


Lectures, Seminars, student led presentations & discussion. Case study workshops, personal research and independent study.


 On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:

  1. Critically analyse the characteristics of strategic decisions and explain what is meant by strategy and strategic management.
  2. Critically evaluate the role of organisational stakeholders, structures and processes and how stakeholders’ expectations shape strategy
  3. Critically assess and apply appropriate concepts and principles of strategic management in an organisational context

Component Weighting % Learning outcome(s) assessed Assessment category

  • A  case study equivalent to 4,000 words (including preparation time.  (Learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3) – 100%.
  •  The student will have an opportunity to be reassessed. Where it is difficult to replicate the exact assessment a task that is equivalent or proportionate to the original, will be set.  This will be designed to meet the required learning outcomes. 

Ansoff Igor Corporate Strategy, Penguin 1988

Coutler Mary, Strategic Management in Action, Prentice Hall 2009

Cummins S & Wilson D (ed) Images of Strategy, Blackwell Publishing, 2003

Doherty T, Horne T, Managing Public Services: implementing change – a thoughtful approach, Routledge, 2002

Finlay P ,Strategic Management : an introduction to Business and Corporate Strategy,  FT Prentice hall 2000.

Haberberg, A , Rieple A, The Strategic Management of Organisations, FT Prentice Hall, 2004

Johnson & Scholes (ed) Exploring public sector Strategy, FT prentice Hall, 2008

Johnson G, Scholes K , Whittington R, Exploring Corporate Strategy:text and cases , FT Prentice Hall  2008

Jones G & Hill C, Theory of Strategic Management, Cengage Learning 2010

Joyce Paul, Strategic Management for the Public Services, OU Press 1999

Lynch Richard, Corporate Strategy, FT Prentice Hall 2007

Mintzberg, Alsthrand, Lampel, Strategy Safari, Prentice Hall 1998

Mintzberg, Quinn , Ghoshal, The Strategy Process, Prentice Hall  2002

Pettinger Richard, Contemporary Strategic Management,  Palgrave Macmillan 2004

Porter Michael, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Harvard University Press 2005

Segal Horn Susan (ed), The Strategy Reader, Blackwell Business, 2001

Thompson J & Martin F, Strategic Awareness Management & Change, Cengage Learning 2010

White Colin, Strategic Management Palgrave Macmillan, 2004

Whittington R, What is Strategy and does it matter? Thomson, 2001

Journal of Management Studies, Wiley Blackwell

British Journal of Management, British Academy of Management, Wiley Blackwell

Harvard Management Review


Stephen Whewell

Postgraduate Awards Assessment Board for Master of Business Administration

(Re)validation panel for MSc and MBA Provision

Thu, 02 Feb 2012

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