TM5025 - The Live Event


The Live Event


40 CC   20 ECTS

Queen's Park (Chester)

Pre-requisite: TM4033 Events in Practice or equivalent 

This is a highly experiential module. A series of Lectures and Workshops will be delivered early in the module process to then allow students to develop concepts and planning processes for the delivery of a live event.
Scheduled hours Placement Hours Independent Guided study
60 0 340

It is a mandatory requirement that students will attend all timetabled sessions, appointments, meetings and arranged activities.


This module will use a series of keynote lectures and workshops to develop a number of core themes and concepts in order for students to successfully design, plan, manage, deliver and critically evaluate a live event. These themes will include, but are not limited to:

• Event creativity and the creative process;
• Event design and concept analysis;
• Market research and analysis;
• Event marketing and management;
• Project planning and management;
• Effective communication, teamwork and decision making;
• Leadership and management of teams and projects;
• Risk assessment, risk management and feasibility assessments;
• Financial management and control;
• Event sustainability and impacts;
• Venue design and management;
• Event technology (including AV and developing virtual / hybrid events);
• Sponsorship, sales, merchandising, pricing and ticketing;
• Managing quality events;
• Legal requirements – licensing, insurance, health and safety, equality, accessibility;
• Customer service and service experiences;
• Event evaluation and review.

To appreciate the importance of working as part of a team to create, develop, plan, manage and evaluate a live event.

To understand the critical role of individual contributions to the event planning process. 

Students will attend lectures and seminars. Lectures will be used to deliver key concepts, ideas theories and examples. Seminars will enable further exploration of the lectures topics and will also allow students the opportunity to acquire further subject specific knowledge through individual and group work. A substantial element of the module will require students to work in their allocated groups on the development of their event project. Tutors will be expected to attend student group meeting where appropriate. 

Seminars will also be used for formative assessments whereby students will have the opportunity to discuss their work with tutors and gain valuable feedback on their work in order that they can develop their learning. 

The assessments for the module will allow students the opportunity to explore key concepts and theories whilst developing an appreciation of ‘real-life’ event requirements and wider industry issues and trends. In particular this module will allow students to critically apply relevant theory to the practice of developing and running an event, which will be supported by tutors. An ‘event’ is a term that encapsulates all events in ‘real time’ which includes online, in person or a hybrid of both.

The learning and teaching strategy for the module will allow students to develop both subject specific knowledge and key skills. 

Students will be able to: 

  1. Design and create an effective and appropriate event concept for a specific target audience;  
  2. Identify, plan, document and implement the key elements in the events planning process;
  3. Critically evaluate the staged event and event process;
  4. Appreciate and understand the requirements to working effectively and efficiently as part of an event team.

Component Weighting % Learning outcome(s) assessed Assessment category
1Event Pitch (8-10 minutes)20%1Coursework
2Event Manual (3,000 words)45%2Coursework
3Event Evaluation (2,500 words) 35%3 & 4Coursework

Students will only be reassessed in the component(s) they have failed.

Wherever possible, reassessment for this module will take the original form, and in all cases will meet the required learning outcomes. Where it is difficult to replicate the exact assessment (i.e. a group assessed piece of work or presentation), a task that is equivalent or proportionate to the original, will be set.

Antchak, V., & Ramsbottom, O. (2020). The fundamentals of event design. Routledge. 

Bladen, C., Kennell, J., Abson, E., & Wilde, N. (2017). Events management: An introduction (2nd ed.). Routledge

Brown, T., Higson, P., & Gaston, L. (Eds) (2022). Events Mismanagement - learning from failure. Goodfellows Publishers

Dowson, R., & Bassett, D. (2018). Event Planning and Management (2nd ed.). Kogan Page.

Evans, N. (2020). Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (3rd ed.). Routledge.

Ferdinand, N., & Kitchin, P. (eds.). (2017). Events management: An international approach (2nd ed.)Sage.

Fenich, G. (2015). Production and logistics in Meetings, Expositions, Events & Conventions. Pearson 

Getz, D. (2018). Event evaluation: theory and methods for event management and tourism. Goodfellow Publishers.

Getz, D., & Page, S. (2020). Event Studies – Theory research and policy for planned events (4th ed.). Routledge.

Jackson, N., & Angliss, K. (2017). A practical guide to event promotion. Routledge. 

O’Toole, W. (2011). Events Feasibility and Development. Butterworth –Heinemann

Martin, V., & Cazarre, L. (2016). Technology and Events: How to create engaging events. Goodfellow Publishers ltd.

Matthews, D. (2016). Special event production: the process (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Nolan, E. (2018). Working with Venues for Events: A Practical Guide. Routledge.

Quinn, B. (2013). Key Concepts in Event Management. Sage. 

Shone, A., & Parry, B. (2019). Successful Event Management: A Practical Handbook (5th ed.). Cengage. 

Van Der Wagen, L., & White, L.  (2018). Event Management (5th ed.). Cengage

Wynn-Moylan, P. (2018). Risk and Hazard Management for Festivals and Events. Routledge.


International Journal of Event and Festival Management

International Journal of Event Management Research

Professional Body:

The Chartered Institute of Fundraising

Tim Brown

Marketing, Tourism and Destinations

Faculty of Business and Management Board of Studies

Tue, 14 Jul 2020

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