ME6703 - Creative Branding


Creative Branding


20 CC   10 ECTS

Warrington Campus


Scheduled hours Placement Hours Independent Guided study
48 0 152

Students are expected to attend all scheduled sessions.

This module will provide students with the opportunity to further develop and enhance their ability to devise, develop and produce creative advertising and branding materials that fulfil the requirement of diverse creative briefs, including:  

  • The identification, development and application of advanced and appropriate branding strategies to produce compelling narratives.
  • The development of advanced skills in copywriting and appropriate/effective use of language/terminology to produce compelling narratives.
  • The development of students' ability to present and explain creative work.
  • The development of effective collaborative skills.
  • The preparation and presentation of a graduate ‘creative’ portfolio.

The aims of the module are as follows:

  • To develop students' practical production and design skills in the creation of high-level creative solutions to brands’ communication problems.
  • To ensure students have the ability to critically assess the quality and appropriateness of ideas and their creative executions - their own as well as those of others - in terms of the 'needs' of both the TA and the client.
  • To prepare students for interview situations through their creation and presentation of a creative portfolio of work.
  • To provide opportunities for students to prepare for interviews for employment in the creative industries through their ability to make, and to explain clearly to potential employers the rationale for, their decisions in the conception and execution of their work.

Workshops, seminars and online learning tasks will provide students with the opportunity to work through a number of different creative briefs. Students will receive strategic and practical advice and guidance on the principles and practices of visual communication and design and its application in their campaigns. During the sessions, students will be able to gain an insight into the nature and quality of creative work expected of ‘creatives’ in advertising, design and branding agencies.

Prior to the presentation and submission of the Final Portfolio, students will have an opportunity to present their draft Portfolio and receive formative feedback.

On completion of the module students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles of effective visual communication strategies and apply them in the design and execution of compelling narrative advertising materials.
  2. Employ high levels of creative and practical skills, and make appropriate decisions in the design and execution of visual communication strategies in the production of appropriate and effective advertising materials.
  3. Analyse and critically reflect on their application of ideas, appropriate design elements, materials, strategies and practices in the creation of their artefacts and effectively communicate them.

Component Weighting % Learning outcome(s) assessed Assessment category
1Creative Portfolio Presentation100%1, 2 & 3Practical Exam

Reassessment will be designed to replicate the original assessment wherever possible.

Ambrose, G., & Harris, P. (2011;2017). The fundamentals of creative design (2nd ed.). Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA.

Armstrong, L., & McDowell, F. (2018). Fashioning professionals: Identity and representation at work in the creative industries. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Barry, P. (2016). The advertising concept book: Think now, design later: A complete guide to creative ideas, strategies and campaigns (Revise and expand third ed.). London: Thames & Hudson.

Barton, G. (2016). Don't get a job make a job: How to make it as a creative graduate. London: Laurence King Publishing.

Hagen, R., & Golombisky, K. (2016;2017;). White space is not your enemy: A beginner's guide to communicating visually through graphic, web & multimedia design (3rd ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Ingledew, J. (2016). How to have great ideas: A guide to creative thinking. London: Laurence King Publishing.

Landa, R. (2016). Advertising by design: Generating and designing creative ideas across media (Third ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.

Leonard, N., & Ambrose, G. (2013;2017;2012). Idea generation. Lausanne: AVA Academia.

Schwab, V. O. (2015;2016). How to write a good advertisement: A short course in copywriting. Place of publication not identified: Picker Partners Publishing.

Dr Kate Sillitoe

Department of Music, Media & Performance

Module modification sub-committee on behalf of Board of Studies.

Wed, 05 Aug 2020

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