TM4031 - Principles of Web Design


Principles of Web Design


20 CC   10 ECTS

Queen's Park (Chester)


Scheduled hours Placement Hours Independent Guided study
48 0 152

It is expected of students that they will attend all timetabled sessions, appointments and arranged activities.

The module will run alongside and complement Marketing Principles and Practical Marketing. The main focus will be on the website as the central marketing channel. An overview of social media and mobile marketing channels will round out this introductory module.

  • Design, legal and technological aspects of building successful websites for marketing purposes Planning a web based marketing campaign
  • Web Analytics Email marketing
  • Introduction to social media and mobile marketing

  • To determine the need and importance of web technologies to support marketing decisions. To create an overview of all steps necessary to develop a successful web-based marketing channel that attracts new site visitors and provides a good user experience to maximize the time a visitor spends on the website.
  • To develop an understanding as well as practical experience in analysing the success of a web-based marketing campaign.
  • To understand how web-based marketing can be embedded within overall marketing.

Students will attend seminars and workshops. The seminars will be used to deliver key concepts, ideas and theories. It will also allow students the opportunity to acquire further subject specific knowledge through individual and group work. Seminars will also be used for formative assessments whereby students will have the opportunity to discuss their work with tutors and gain valuable feedback on their work in order that they can develop their learning. Individual work on different tasks as well as a larger personal project will be done in workshops.

The assessments for the module will allow students the opportunity to explore key concepts and theories whilst developing an appreciation of ‘real-life’ and industry issues.

The learning and teaching strategy for the module will allow students to develop both subject specific knowledge and transferable skills.

At the end of this module, students will be able:

  1. To identify and evaluate legal, technological and design issues for marketing websites;
  2. To develop basic IT skills, particularly in the use web technologies;
  3. To evaluate key design principles;
  4. To understand the role of the website within integrated marketing communications.

Component Weighting % Learning outcome(s) assessed Assessment category
1Report (1,000 words)35%1, 3 & 4Coursework
2Project Based Report (2,000 words)65%1, 2, 3 & 4Coursework

Students will only be reassessed in the component(s) they have failed.

Wherever possible, reassessment for this module will take the original form, and in all cases will meet the required learning outcomes. Where it is difficult to replicate the exact assessment (i.e. a group assessed piece of work or presentation), a task that is equivalent or proportionate to the original, will be set.

Cabrera, J. (2017). Modular design frameworks: A projects-based guide for UI/UX designers (1st ed.). A Press. doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-1688-0

Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital marketing. (7th ed.). Pearson Higher Ed.

Chaffey, D., Smith, P. R., & Smith, P. R. (2018). Digital Marketing eXcellence: Planning, optimizing and integrating online marketing. (5th ed.). Routledge.

Esposito, D. (2016). Modern web development: Understanding domains, technologies, and user experience. Microsoft.

Hanlon, A. (2019). Digital Marketing Strategic Planning and Integration. SAGE. 

Johnson, J. (2014). Designing with the mind in mind: Simple guide to understanding user interface design guidelines (2nd ed.). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.

Król, K. (2019). WordPress 5 complete: Build beautiful and feature-rich websites from scratch (7th ed.). Packt Publishing.

Ryan, D. (2017). Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. (5th ed.). Kogan Page Publishers.

Strauss, J., & Frost, R. (2019). E-marketing (8th ed.). Pearson

Tomlin, W. C. (2018). UX optimization: Combining behavioral UX and usability testing data to optimize websites (1st ed.). US: Apress.


Online Resources:


Wordpress documentation (2019). Retrieved from

Google Search Console (n. d.). Retrieved from

The Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (2020). Retrieved from

Smart Insights Digital Marketing (2020). Retrieved from

Ashley Trzebiatowski

Department of Marketing, Tourism & Destinations

Faculty of Business and Management Board of Studies

Wed, 18 Mar 2020

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