FP3103 - Introduction to Law


Introduction to Law


20 CC   10 ECTS

Centre for Foundation Studies


Tutor contact: 60 hours

Self directed study: 140 hours

Lectures, seminars, workshops

Scheduled hours Placement Hours Independent Guided study
60 0 140

Students are expected to attend all timetabled classes.


  • Introduction to fundamental principles and basic structure of the English Legal System
  • Sources of law
  • Key legal personnel
  • Concepts of criminal law and the Criminal Justice System
  • Principles of the Tort of negligence and bringing an action in a civil court


  1. To introduce students to the fundamental principles and basic structure of the English Legal System
  2. To enable students to develop awareness of key principles, legal institutions and areas of law in the English Legal System
  3. To gain an understanding of the role of legal personnel
  4. To develop basic knowledge of areas of legal learning, namely criminal law and the law of negligence
  5. To begin to develop key skills in the context of legal research, critical evaluation and legal problem solving

Lectures accompanied by seminars and structured debates, group work and in-class case study exercises. Formative assessment will be ongoing and will comprise activities that enable a student to appraise their own learning and guide them towards the development of self-study.

LO1 Understand the key structures and personnel within the English legal system.

LO2 Discuss the purpose of criminal law and the functioning of the Criminal Justice System.

LO3 Discuss the operation of the Civil Justice System.

LO4 Analyse and evaluate a legal problem in the law of negligence

Component Weighting % Learning outcome(s) assessed Assessment category
1Report (1200 words)50%1,2Coursework
2Case Analysis (1200 words)50%3,4Coursework

Reassessment will use the same mode of assessment.

Allbon, E., & Kaur-Dua, S. (2020).  Elliott and Quinn's English Legal System.  (21st ed.).  Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited

Brennan, C., & Bermingham, V. (2020). Tort Law Directions. (7th ed.).  Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press

Monaghan, N. (2019).  Criminal Law Directions. (6th ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press

Partington, M. (2021). Introduction to the English Legal System. (15th ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Quinn, F. (2019). Elliott & Quinn's Tort Law. (12th ed.). Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited

Sime, S. (2021). A Practical Approach to civil Procedure. (24th ed.).  Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press





Steph Brown

Centre for Foundation Studies

Chair's Action on behalf of LTI BoS

Fri, 26 Jun 2020

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