FP3110 - Introduction to Criminology


Introduction to Criminology


20 CC   10 ECTS

Centre for Foundation Studies


Scheduled hours Placement Hours Independent Guided study
60 0 140

Students are expected to attend all timetabled classes.

How do we define a crime? How do we understand what causes crime? How does criminal behaviour affect individuals and society as a whole and how does society respond to criminal behaviour?

This module introduces students to fundamental debates surrounding the questions above, and more. Indicative content includes: 

  • The meaning and scope of criminology
  • Defining and measuring crime
  • The effects of crime
  • Explanations for and causes of crime
  • Responses to crime and the role and functions of the Criminal Justice System

This module has been designed with the specific aim of enabling students to understand criminology in a realistic and contextualised manner.  By the end of the module students will be able to answer key questions about what is meant by crime and will appreciate trends in criminal behaviour and who criminals are.   Students will have an overview of the criminological theories and the question of why people commit crime. Students will understand criminology to be a scientific form of study which cuts across the disciplines of sociology, psychology and law.  Students will be able to analyse social, philosophical and legal issues relating to crime, criminal justice and social policies.

Methods of learning and teaching will include a range of taught sessions and managed learning activities.  Workshops will facilitate student learning and the development of a range of key skills by incorporating group discussions and debates based on pre-set self-study tasks.  Tutor led formative feedback will be given during sessions in order to inform both the student and the lecturer about the development of learning.   

 LO1. Explain how crime is defined

LO2. Discuss how crime is measured

LO3. Understand and apply models and theories of criminology

LO4. Discuss the role of the Criminal Justice System

Component Weighting % Learning outcome(s) assessed Assessment category
1 Project (2,000 words)100%LO1, 2, 3 & 4Coursework

Reassessment will use the same mode of assessment.

Bartol, C. R. (2017). Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach. Harlow: Pearson. 

Carrabine, E., Cox, A., Cox, P., Crowhurst, I., Di, R. A., Fussey, P., Sergi, A., South, N., Thiel, D., & Turton, J. (2020). Criminology : A Sociological Introduction. Oxon: Routledge. 

Cohen, S. (1985). Visions of social control: Crime, punishment and classification. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity. 

Cohen, S. (2002), Folk Devils and Moral Panics, (3rd edn.). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. 

Davies, M. Davies, Croall & Tyrer’s Criminal Justice, (5th edn.). Harlow: Pearson 

Hollin, C. R. (2013). Psychology and Crime : An Introduction to Criminological Psychology (2nd edn.). London: Routledge. 

Joyce, P. (2017). Criminal Justice : An Introduction. (3rd edn.). Oxon: Routledge 

Newburn, T. (2017). Criminology. (3rd edn.). Oxon: Routledge. 

Posick, C., & Rocque, M. (2018). Great debates in criminology. Oxon: Routledge 

Tierney, J. and O’Neill, M. 2013. Criminology: Theory and Context. (3rd edn.). Harlow: Pearson. 

Walklate, S. (2017). Criminology : The Basics. (3rd edn.). Oxon: Routledge 

Recommended journals 

Criminal Justice Matters, Taylor and Francis.  


Criminal Justice Studies, Taylor and Francis. 


Policing and Society, Taylor and Francis. 


Psychology, Crime and Law, Taylor and Francis 



Steph Brown

Centre for Foundation Studies

LTI Board of Studies

Fri, 26 Jun 2020

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