FP3102 - Introduction to the Social Sciences


Introduction to the Social Sciences


20 CC   10 ECTS

Centre for Foundation Studies


Tutor contact: 60 hours

Self directed study: 140 hours

Lectures, seminars and workshops

Scheduled hours Placement Hours Independent Guided study
60 0 140

Students are expected to attend all timetabled classes.

  • Social scientific perspectives and ‘lenses’ on society
  • Social structures, social groups and identity formation
  • Current issues in society
  • Consumerism in contemporary society
  • Power and inequalities in society
  • Social justice and movements for social change
  • Social scientific research and basic research methods
  • Research studies of social phenomenon

1. To examine contemporary society from some key perspectives of social science.

2. To introduce students to research in the social sciences.

3. To introduce students to contemporary themes and issues in the social sciences.


Lectures accompanied by seminars, group work, debate and discussion. Formative assessment will be ongoing and will comprise activities that enable a student to appraise their own learning and guide them towards the development of self-study.


LO1 Apply social scientific ideas and perspectives to the study of contemporary society.

LO2 Demonstrate an understanding of a current issue in the social sciences.

LO3 Recognise inequalities in society and viewpoints on power and social change.

LO4 Identify social scientific research and basic research methods.



Component Weighting % Learning outcome(s) assessed Assessment category
1Essay 1200 words50%1 and 2Coursework
2Report 1200 hours50%3 and 4Coursework

Reassessment will use the same mode of assessment.

Cottrell, S. (2013). The Study Skills Handbook (4th ed.) Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Crossley, N. (2005). Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory. London, UK: Sage.

Denscombe, M. (2014). The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research Projects. Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Press.

Giddens, A. & Sutton, P. W. (2013). Sociology (7th ed.) Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

Guthrie, G. (2010). Basic Research Methods: An Entry to Social Science Research. London, UK: Sage.

Haralambos, M. and Holborn, M. (2013). Sociology: Themes and Perspective. (8th ed.) Glasgow, UK: Collins Educational.

Haskings-Winner, J., Collishaw, R., Kritzer, S. and Worecki, P. (2011). Social Science: An Introduction. Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Education.



Ged Turner

Centre for Foundation Studies

Chair's Action on behalf of LTI BoS

Mon, 19 Sep 2016

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