University of Chester

Programme Specification
Rural Events Management FDA
2021 - 2022

Foundation Arts Degree

Rural Events Management

Rural Events Management (Reaseheath) Pre 2020/21

University of Chester

University Centre Reaseheath

University Centre Reaseheath

Undergraduate Modular Programme

Full-time and Part-time

Classroom / Laboratory, Work-Based inc.(practice / placement)

2 years full-time 4 years part-time

5 Years

Annual - September




17a. Faculty

17b. Department

University Centre Reaseheath University Centre Reaseheath

Events, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism 2019


Marketing, Tourism and Destinations

Wednesday 7th December 2016

The educational aims of the FdA Rural Events Management are as follows:

  1. To provide a focused, analytical and integrated programme of study of rural events management
  2. To provide students with a flexible pathway that enables students to identify, develop, scrutinise and challenge a comprehensive range of events management models, frameworks, concepts and theories.
  3. To stimulate a critical awareness of the key factors associated with the changing focus of contemporary events management principles and practice within a rural context.
  4. To enable all students to develop a management centred approach, within an academic framework, that is relevant to the business and management of events in a wide range of industry contexts.
  5. To enable students to apply learning to actual situations in working environments.
  6. To facilitate opportunities for students to engage and interact with event industry experiences
  7. To enable students to develop and use a wide range of transferable capabilities, including cognitive, knowledge and understanding, communication, practical and professional skills. 
  8. To provide an appropriate base for access to further study or professional qualifications by encouraging students, through their knowledge, skills and attitudes to become life-long learners who recognise the need to engage in Continuous Personal and Professional Development.
  9. To prepare students for post-University employment and career development

FHEQ Level 4

  • develop an understanding of the development of knowledge in Rural Events Management; (RC4701, RC4702)
  • develop an understanding of the need for both a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach to study, drawing, as appropriate, from service, research and professional contexts; (RC4208)
  • understand the subject of rural events management through both academic and professional reflective practice; (RC4208)
  • develop an understanding of the moral, ethical, environmental and legal issues which underpin best practice (RC4701, RC4702, RC4706)


FHEQ Level 5

  • cultivate an understanding of the need for both a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach to study the of events management; (RC5701, RC5702)
  • demonstrate an understanding of planning and management of the subject through both academic and professional reflective practice; (RC5701, RC5110, RC5705)
  • demonstrate research and problem-solving abilities by critically understanding methods of acquiring, interpreting and analysing information appropriate to the study of events management; (RC5701, RC5110, RC5705)
  • be able to express an awareness of the moral and legal issues which underpin best practice in the events management industry. (RC5701, RC5705, RC5706, RC5707, RC5708)

FHEQ Level 4

  • take responsibility for their learning and continuing professional development (all modules, especially RC4701, RC4702, RC4208)
  • research and assess subject specific theories, paradigms, principles and concepts; (RC4701, RC4702, RC4705))
  • assess and evaluate appropriate data and text evidence and information;(RC4702, RC4703, RC4706)
  • apply knowledge and understanding to the solution of familiar and challenging problems; (RC4702, RC4208)
  • develop reasoned arguments and challenge assumptions; (RC4208, RC4705)


FHEQ Level 5

  • develop ongoing responsibility for their learning and continuing professional development and event planning; (RC5701, RC5110, RC5703)
  • analytically research, assess and embed subject specific theories, paradigms, principles and concepts; (RC5703, RC5707, RC5708)
  • develop a critical awareness of the role of appropriate data and information;(RC5703, RC5704)
  • develop critically reasoned arguments that challenge assumptions; (RC5703)

FHEQ Level 4

  • develop the ability to plan, design and execute practical activities using appropriate techniques and procedures; (RC4702)
  • undertake fieldwork with due regard to safety and risk assessment (RC4702, RC4706);
  • undertake volunteering activities with due regard for safety, risk assessment and event planning (RC4702);
  • plan, design, execute and communicate a sustained piece of independent intellectual work using appropriate media; (RC4208, RC4702, RC4705)
  • recognise and respond to moral, ethical and safety issues which directly pertain to the subject domain including relevant legislation and professional codes of conduct; (RC4701, RC4702, RC4706)

FHEQ Level 5

  • plan, design and execute & evaluate practical activities using appropriate event planning techniques and procedures; (RC5701, RC5702)
  • undertake fieldwork with due regard for safety and risk assessment; (RC5701, RC5110, RC5703)
  • plan, evaluate and communicate critical pieces of independent intellectual work using appropriate evidence; ((RC5703)
  • recognise and thoroughly examine moral, ethical and safety issues which directly pertain to the subject domain including relevant legislation and professional codes of conduct. (RC5701, RC5705, RC5708)

FHEQ Level 4

  • demonstrate oral and written communication abilities using a range of media; (RC4208, RC4703)
  • show the ability to treat numerical and statistical information in an inquiring manner; (RC4208, RC4703)
  • develop and improve their own learning and personal performance, including self-awareness and independence; (RC4208, RC4702)
  • develop working relationships with fellow students and external partners including team building, project management skills, negotiation and presentation;(RC4702)
  • develop and demonstrate problem solving abilities in a range of situations and tasks/problems. (RC4702, RC4704)

FHEQ Level 5

  • demonstrate critical oral and written communication skills; (RC5703, RC5701, RC5110, RC5705)
  • demonstrate ability to analyse numerical and statistical information in a critical manner; (RC5701, RC5704, RC5707)
  • further develop and improve their own learning and personal performance, including self-awareness and independence; (RC5110)
  • create effective relationships with fellow students and external partners including team work, negotiation and evaluation; (RC5701, RC5110)

The programme is designed to prepare students to become competent and knowledgeable rural events management professionals.  It aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to successfully embark upon a successful career in rural events, in a range of organisations, industries or contexts (RC4701, RC4702, RC5701, RC5110, RC5703).  The QAA’s 2008 Benchmark Statement for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism has informed its content and structure as has the Business and Management statement (2015).

The structure of the FdA in Rural Events Management presents a coherent programme within each level.  This coherence is reinforced by progression between levels and within disciplines allowing the development of thematic strands between levels.  The programme has been designed to reflect the changing nature of rural events management (RC4701, RC4706, RC5110, RC5707, RC5708), offering a dynamic and contemporary programme of study to enable the student to reconcile existing theories of events management with the changing environment.  Following a general grounding in broad business and events management and related modules, the programme is designed to allow students to focus on a rural events management theme, supported with business management theory. 

Level 4 students will develop an understanding of the key rural events management concepts (RC4701, RC4702) and marketing (RC4703) functions that are required to operate in the modern business environment in accordance with appropriate legislation (RC4706).  In line with the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, Level 4 modules are designed to provide students with a sound knowledge of the basic concepts of rural events management, with opportunities to take different approaches to solving problems (RC4208, RC4702), to demonstrate accurate communication, and to develop qualities needed for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.  In addition to a range of events and business modules designed to provide a theoretical underpinning, students will also have the opportunity to experience the events industry through field visits, speakers, and practical events activities.

Level 5 students will explore the contexts in which rural events managers operate (RC5701, RC5110, RC5708).  Key aspects of business, management, behaviour and practice will be developed culminating in a period of Work Based or Experiential Learning (RC5110) in which students will have the opportunity to transfer acquired skills, knowledge and understanding.  The live event module (RC5701) at level 5, is central to this level, affording students an opportunity to link theoretical knowledge with practical events management skills.  The Professional Project (RC5703) module will develop students' marketing research and research methods skills. These theoretical and practical modules are designed to address the FHEQ requirements that students will have developed a sound understanding of the principles in events management, will have learned to apply those principles more widely, will have learned to evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems, and will have had a vocationally orientated experience, enabling them to perform effectively in the field of events management. 

Students graduating with a FdA Rural Events Management degree will be able to demonstrate that they have the qualities needed for managers employed in situations requiring the exercise of personal responsibility, and decision-making in complex and unpredictable circumstances.

The students are also provided with articulation routes so they may top-up their studies to a BA (Hons) by studying the level 6 modules of the following programmes:

BA Hons Events Management – Single Honours

BA Hons Events and Festivals Management – Single Honours

Mod-Code Level Title Credit Single
RC4208 4 Academic Skills Development 15 Comp
RC4701 4 Introduction to Business and Rural Events Management 15 Comp
RC4702 4 Introduction to the Live Event 15 Comp
RC4703 4 Marketing of Rural Events 15 Comp
RC4704 4 Managing the Customer Experience 15 Comp
RC4705 4 Leadership and Organisational Performance 15 Comp
RC4706 4 Event Law 15 Comp
RC4707 4 Human Resource Management 15 Comp
RC5110 5 Work Based Learning for Academic Credit 15 Comp
RC5701 5 The Live Event (Reaseheath) 15 Comp
RC5703 5 Professional Project 15 Comp
RC5704 5 Finance and Planning 15 Comp
RC5705 5 Entrepreneurship for Events Management 15 Comp
RC5706 5 eMarketing and Social Media Management 15 Comp
RC5707 5 Economics of Tourism and Events 15 Comp
RC5708 5 International Events and Tourism 15 Comp

Level 4: modules are all 15 credits. A candidate who successfully completes level four will have accumulated 120 academic credit points, and will be eligible for the award of Certificate of Higher Education. These 120 academic credit points can be carried forward cumulatively towards the award of a Foundation degree.

Level 5: modules are all 15 credits. A candidate successfully completing level five will have accumulated 240 academic credit points, and will be eligible for the award of Foundation degree*. These 240 academic credit points can be carried forward cumulatively towards the award of an honours level undergraduate degree award (top-up).

(*see the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education: The framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland—August 2008)



FdA Rural Events Management

A minimum of 64 UCAS points from the qualifications listed below, including a grade C equivalent in one of the subjects recommended by the department.  

The department recommends one of the following qualification(s):               

  • GCE A Level
  • GCE Applied A Level
  • BTEC Extended Diploma (Grade: MPP)
  • BTEC Diploma (Grade: MM)
  • OCR National Extended Diploma/Diploma: merit profile plus one of the GCE A Level subjects listed above
  • Irish Highers/Scottish Highers: BBCC in 4 subjects
  • International Baccalaureate: 26 points
  • Access to HE approved programme

Please note: we accept a maximum of 20 UCAS points from GCE AS Levels and that the Welsh Baccalaureate (core) and A Level General Studies will be recognised in our offer. We will also consider a combination of A Levels and BTECs/OCRs.

Mature students (21 years of age or over) working in (specified sector/industry) and without evidence of the above qualifications, will be required to demonstrate enthusiasm and aptitude for higher level study, and have the support of their managers for linking their education with their work activities.  Where mature students do not have standard academic qualifications but are able to demonstrate considerable vocational experience and transferable skills, their applications will be viewed on an individual basis to assess suitability. All students in his category will be required to attend an interview and may be asked to submit a piece of work to confirm their ability to undertake the programme.

Any applicant who has not received certification for prior learning experiences, but has worked within the discipline, will also be considered. Acceptable work-based experience could include one, or a combination of several, of the following: Event Management, Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management role, Customer Relationship Management.


The design of this programme has been informed by the QAA Subject Benchmark Statements for Events, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (EHLST), November 2019. These statements include generic comment relevant to all subjects subsumed within unit 25, as well as specific statements relating to each of Events, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism programmes.

A graduate in Rural Events Management will be able to analyse and evaluate the concepts and defining characteristics of events and festivals as an area of academic and applied study, including being able to:     

  • explain, interpret and challenge theories and concepts which are used to understand the origin, purpose, meanings and development of events from a range of critical perspectives (RC4701, RC4702, RC5708)         
  • display an insight into the structure of event providers and their sectors, and analyse the political, technological, social, environmental and economic factors which affect, or impact upon, the supply of, and demand for, events (RC4701, RC5705, RC5707) ·        
  • analyse and reflect on the different cultural and business concepts, intercultural and international dimensions of events (RC4701, RC5707, RC5708)        
  • demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of how core values, for example, ethics, integration, sustainability, creativity, strategy, and continuous improvement, relate to, and are reflected in, events. (all modules but especially RC4701, RC4702, RC5701, RC5110, RC5703, RC5705) 

A graduate will be able to demonstrate a range of professional event planning and management knowledge and skills, including being able to:       

  • demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of appropriate domains including administration, design, operations, marketing and risk, and how they apply to the phases of events, such as initiation, planning, implementation, event and closure (RC4702, RC5701) ·        
  • operate and effectively manage resources, including human (paid or volunteer), financial, venue, and subcontracted and technical resources (RC4702, RC5701)         
  • display critical knowledge, understanding and application of risk management and the legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks that affect event management (RC4702, RC4706) ·        
  • plan, control, analyse and evaluate events, support service provision and their logistics (RC4702, RC5701)         
  • design events, including the programming of spectacle, exhibition, ritual, performance and hospitality (RC4702, RC5701)         
  • engage with, contribute to and produce events, based on an acquisition and understanding of appropriate vocabularies, skills, working methods and professional business communications (RC4702, RC5701)         

A graduate will be able to recognise and value the centrality of the attendee and/or client and meet and respond to their needs and expectations, including being able to: ·        

  • analyse the nature, characteristics, needs and expectations of different consumers through applying consumer behaviour theories and concepts (RC4701, RC4704, RC5701)       
  • generate creative ideas/concepts, proposals, pitches and solutions to meet differing needs (RC4702, RC5701)         
  • analyse and evaluate the quality of the event experience and its impact on the event consumer and/or client and the wider organisation (RC4701, RC4702, RC5701)         
  • evaluate the importance of cultural and other diversities in developing access to, and participation in, events by specific target groups (RC4701, RC5708) 
  • demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which attendees behave at events and within the venue and surrounding destination (RC4702, RC4704, RC5701)         

A graduate will be able to utilise, and understand the impact of, rationales, sources and assumptions embedded in policy, planning and delivery mechanisms in an events and festivals context, including being able to:        

  • evaluate the contribution and impacts of events in social, economic, environmental, political, cultural, technological and other terms (RC4701, RC4702, RC5701, RC5707)        
  • appreciate the ethical and sustainability issues associated with the operation and development of events (RC4701, RC4702, RC5701)         
  • write and critique event plans, event strategies and to recognise and meet the needs of specific stakeholders (RC4702, RC5701)        
  • critically reflect upon the role of those organisations and structures charged with a responsibility for the promotion of, or the training of practitioners in events (RC4701, RC4702, RC4703, RC4707)        
  • demonstrate a critical awareness and appreciation of existing and emerging standards, policies, initiatives, frameworks and contemporary issues (RC4701, RC4702, RC4706)

The methods of learning and teaching are geared to progression and integration through the levels of the programme.  The individual module descriptors provide details of learning outcomes as well as methods of teaching and learning.  The major forms of teaching methods will be lectures, seminars and workshops.  Other methodologies will be employed as appropriate.  These may include; field trips, visits, directed reading, interactive learning via the college computer network, case study analysis, individual research, group learning activities, reflective log/portfolio (e.g. utilising student progress files in relation to personal development planning) and presentations.  Industry practitioners will also be used wherever possible, as repositories of up to date, expert knowledge in their specialist or functional areas.  

The College seeks to deliver varied, high-quality learning experiences, teaching and assessment in order to develop appropriate knowledge and understanding, and to enhance a variety of key/transferable skills.  This is facilitated through the outcome-directed nature of learning, teaching and assessment, in a student-centred environment, which provides incremental opportunities for independent and autonomous learning.

The assessment strategy for this degree will serve three purposes:

  • To test the level of knowledge and skills acquired, measured against the specified learning outcomes, and applied within a relevant events management;
  • To provide the vehicle for modular integration within a rural events management context;
  • To promote teaching to learning, which will assist students in the achievement of academic goals and imbue them with skills and attitudes which will assist in life-long learning.

Assessment will follow a model of a 3,000 word equivalency per 15-credit module.  Each module will be summatively assessed by a maximum of three assessments, with formative assessment also employed throughout.  Student assessment will employ rigorous, objective testing to ensure that learning outcomes are met.

Assessment tasks will grow in sophistication and complexity as a student progresses on the programme.  For example:

  • at Level Four a student may be asked to describe, discuss, compare, and outline;
  • at Level Five a student may be asked to evaluate, analyse, justify, and differentiate; 

However, it is expected that students will begin to use and develop critical skills from the beginning of the programme.

Students will be assessed in a number of ways, including industry-related reports, presentations, practical assessment, reflective reports and examinations.

The events industry in the U.K. is flourishing and the management of events (including rural) has become increasingly important within many sectors, including hospitality, tourism, sport, rural, countryside and the arts. Publicity and media coverage of high profile events and festivals at both national and international level has brought the industry to the forefront.

Major events such as the Olympic Games and the Edinburgh Festival present exciting challenges for events managers in the UK and successful managers will have a crucial role in presenting a well organised and successful range of arts, tourism, sporting and related events.  The recruitment and support of current and subsequent managers is crucial to create a legacy that goes beyond these events.  Indeed, the selection of London as the host city for the 2017 World Athletics Championships will undoubtedly impact on careers for graduates in a number of discipline areas, including events management.

Additionally, smaller scale events – for example local music concerts, country fairs, conferences and exhibitions, charity and fundraising events, sporting events, competitions and festivals, mass participation events or themed events at heritage attractions - take place on an almost daily basis.  The industry is, therefore, in continuous need of managers with graduate status and as such offers varied, challenging and rewarding careers for enthusiastic and committed events managers.  These skills are also valuable for any organisation involved in arranging events, whether small or large scale, routine or specialist.  It is anticipated that the programme will contribute to the College’s employability strategy by producing students with sound and well-articulated skills for the workplace and supplying suitably prepared graduates to meet the needs of the local, regional and national economy.  This is particularly significant in the light of recent government reports emphasising vocationalism in higher education.  The curriculum, through carefully planned modules, will respond to the needs of individual students seeking rewarding employment as well as employers seeking to employ graduates with relevant, generic, transferable and specialist skills.  

In accordance with the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications descriptor, typical holders of the FdA Rural Events Management would be able to:

  • apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and to initiate and carry out projects;
  • critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements, and to frame appropriate questions to achieve a solution - or identify a range of solutions - to a problem;
  • communicate information, ideas, problems, and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences;
  • display qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring:
  • the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility;
  • use appropriate decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts; and
  • demonstrate the learning ability needed to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature.  

Both Reaseheath College and the University of Chester are committed to the active promotion of equality of opportunity.  Both institutions seeks to ensure that no student is disadvantaged or discriminated against on the grounds of: gender; age; marital or parental status; sexual orientation; racial group (race, colour, nationality, ethnicity or national origins); creed (religious, political or personal beliefs or principles); membership or non-membership of a trade union; and socio-economic background. It also aims to ensure that disabled people and those with special needs do not suffer unfair discrimination, and that they are enabled to achieve their full potential as students.  The ultimate objective of the programmes delivery is to ensure all aspects of delivery are open to all sections of society and in whose activities all students can participate to the best of their ability. This programme is designed to ensure inclusivity and the diverse needs of our students are provided for.  At a departmental level all programmes are developed and delivered with the following aspects in mind:

Admission requirements are clearly set out in promotional materials and due consideration is given to a policy of widening access, participation, diversity and equality. 

Each module and programme is developed in line with University policy to both promote equality and diversity and encourage all students in the development of their learning.

There is flexibility in materials and delivery of teaching to support students with disability or from culturally diverse backgrounds and the Department works closely with Learning Support in delivering this support through Learning Support Plans.

The induction week activities are designed to integrate all students both academically and socially and to make academic staff aware of any issues.  Students are made aware of avenues of support if they a have any issues regarding diversity and equality.

Supportive formative exercises are presented in modules in the first year to give all students an equal chance of succeeding.

Assessments are designed to afford equal opportunity to all students to display their knowledge and skills. The introduction of anonymous marking also enhances equal opportunity, fairness and independence to all students.

In order to ensure that the needs of all students are met any barriers to access (physical, environmental and curriculum) are identified and removed or reasonable adjustments will be made based on requirements.

All learning materials and teaching and learning sessions are designed to be free from racist, sexist and other discriminatory assumptions and practices.

All lecturers are aware of diversity issues and discharge their roles with knowledge and sympathy and all students are made aware of both institutional Department structures to discuss issues should a concern arise. 

Reaseheath College offers specific support for students with specified learning needs, encompassing all physical abilities, in conjunction with the Higher Education Support Team (HEST) on campus.  In collaboration with student support services, and safeguarding task groups, the college's equality and diversity policy aims to ensure that all students and all members of staff at the College have equality of opportunity and are treated solely on the basis of their aptitude, ability and potential to pursue a course of study or to fulfil the requirements of a job. The policy also aims to eliminate discrimination, which is unlawful or unfair.

The University of Chester and University Centre Reaseheath (UCR) is taking steps to mitigate the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, whilst ensuring an excellent academic experience for our students. During the 2021-22 academic year, it is anticipated that UCR will deliver programmes of study in a mode of blended online and face-to-face sessions. This statement describes how this will be implemented and should be read in conjunction with section 28 of this document and section 11 of the module descriptors associated with this programme.

The hybrid model has been designed to safeguard the interests of students whilst upholding the University’s academic standards. This ensures that students can engage in high quality learning and teaching to support them to achieve the learning outcomes for this programme, irrespective of the prevailing conditions.

Learning and Teaching methods

  • Large group teaching will be delivered online and may be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous delivery depending on the material to be delivered.
  • Subject content can be provided in a variety of different ways to suit the topic and individual learning styles. For example, a series of videos and/or podcasts might be prepared and published online to a particular schedule.
  • Seminars may be designed flexibly so that they can be conducted either online or in small group settings where this can be achieved safely.
  • Practical skills may be developed through supervised laboratory sessions when these can be safely facilitated. Where these are not possible, online simulation and electronic resources might be provided to demonstrate appropriate techniques.

Engaging students as partners

Adopting a hybrid model of delivery will result in a different type of learning experience for many students. In order to ensure that ensure that all students are able to benefit from this, the University is seeking to engage students early and often to ensure that we continue to serve their needs appropriately.

Module Leaders are encouraged to obtain informal and formal feedback from students about their experience of learning and teaching online through polls, anonymous questionnaires and focus groups.

Staff-Student Liaison Meetings will be held regularly and with sufficient time in order to respond to any issues raised before the end of teaching in a given module.

Using the quantitative and qualitative data available through CME, the programme team will consider the experiences of previous students and seek to incorporate their feedback to improve students’ online learning experiences.

Placement learning

Where it is safe to do so, placement learning activities will be facilitated according to the prevailing conditions. Students will be given adequate notice of placements and the safety procedures to be followed.

Preparation for assessment connected to placement learning will be kept flexible. This will include ensuring that where a placement activity cannot go ahead, students can use the learning material delivered and apply it to alternative forms of assessment.

The programme team works closely with relevant employers to design authentic learning, teaching and assessment activities. This collaboration will equip students with skills and knowledge to support effective transition into the workplace, irrespective of whether or not physical placement learning can be accommodated safely.

Practice-based learning and specialist equipment

Where it is safe to do so, students will have access to specialist equipment and facilities according to the prevailing conditions and safety guidelines. The content of some modules may be adjusted to take into account reduced access to these resources.


Assessments will be designed flexibly so that they can be completed remotely in the event that access to the campus is restricted.

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