University of Chester

Programme Specification
Marketing and Advertising Management BA (Hons) (Single Honours)
2021 - 2022

Bachelor of Arts (Single Honours)

Marketing and Advertising Management

Marketing and Advertising Management

4a. Award

4b. Title

Diploma of Higher Education
Certificate of Higher Education

University of Chester

University of Chester 

Warrington Campus

Undergraduate Modular Programme

Full-time and Part-time

Classroom / Laboratory,

3 years

7 Years

Annual - September




17a. Faculty

17b. Department

Business and Management Marketing, Tourism and Destinations

Business and Management (2019) for Marketing modules; Art and Design (2016) for the Advertising related modules.

IDM. Documents to be submitted in May 2020

Marketing, Tourism and Destinations - Business Modules

Music, Media and Performance - Media Modules

Wednesday 24th February 2021

The overall educational aims are as follows:-

  1. To contribute to the University’s portfolio for Single Honours programmes on the Warrington campus and in line with the multi-niche strategy for the Warrington campus.  This is a dynamic degree programme which demonstrates Chester’s ability to offer programmes at the ‘cutting edge’ of the demand of employers for skilled graduates.
  2. To offer a programme that builds on the University’s provision in the Faculty of Business, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning.   With an interdisciplinary approach, it aims to broaden the intellectual scope of students and provide potential for collaborative work both within the Faculty, and with the Media faculty in particular.
  3. To combine marketing and Advertising Management theory and practice in degree-level academic study in a manner and means appropriate for a degree which equips students with theory-based practice, and practice-based theory.
  4. To meet demand within the marketing, Advertising Management, Digital Marketing and communications industry for honours degree graduates skilled in the sector.
  5. To develop students to the level required, with a body of knowledge and skills proper to the field of study of marketing and Advertising Management and reflecting academic developments in that field.
  6. To provide an appropriate base for access to further study or professional qualifications (i.e. entry points to access IDM or Chartered Institute of Marketing) by encouraging the knowledge, skills and attitudes to become life-long learners who recognise the need to engage in Continuous Personal and Professional Development.
  7. To prepare graduates for further (postgraduate) study
  8. To meet the needs of diversity, retention and progression agendas through learning, teaching and assessment

The programme has been designed to reflect the changing nature of Marketing and Advertising Management, offering a dynamic and contemporary programme of study to enable the student to reconcile the traditional theories of marketing with new thinking. 

The design of the programme was informed at all stages by the qualifications offered through the Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM). 

We have worked closely with the Institute of Direct Marketing to attain dual badging/entry points awards from their professional qualifications. This relationship will ensure that the marketing programme remains current and relevant and most important of all, it will enable students to develop their professional qualifications and enhance their employability on graduating.

All modules offer knowledge and understanding of the Marketing and Advertising Management context, issues, theory and practice, set within a political and social framework as well as a business/organisational framework, at the appropriate level.

The mix of modules across all levels combines a mix of theory based and practical based approaches in line with the overall Programme Learning Outcomes and will be delivered through an interdisciplinary approach across the relevant Faculties (Media and Chester Business School).

At Level 4 students will

  • develop an understanding of the key marketing and Advertising management concepts.

This will be achieved through TM4001 (Marketing Principles) and as well as the business functions that managers require to operate in the modern business environment. In the two Advertising modules ME4701 (Introduction to Advertising Theory & Practice) and ME4703 (Introduction to Digital Advertising Practice), students will develop both subject-specific and transferable skills in order to enable students to successfully apply the principles and practices of Advertising in the development of powerful narratives for defined target audiences. At programme level, relevant interpersonal and academic skills will be developed to enable students to become both effective students and marketers. 

At Level Four, students will be expected to describe, discuss, compare/contrast and outline.

At Level 5 the student will develop a sound understanding of the principles of the Marketing through TM5022 (Marketing Management) and will be able to apply these principles more widely, within an organisational context. Students will also study Contemporary Issues (BU5002) in order to develop critical and evaluative analytical and problem-solving skills through examination and synthesis of relevant and contemporary business issues. Level 5 modules will also expand students' understanding of the practices and applications of Advertising through ME 5701 (Advanced Advertising Theory and Practice), through the Digital focused modules ME5702 (Advanced Digital Advertising Practice)  and TM5030 (Socal Media Marketing) students will consolidate their learning of the Digital dimensions of marketing. 

 At Level 5 students will:-

  • explore the relationship between functional areas and develop an appreciation of the context in which managers operate.
  • develop key aspects of marketing and advertising behaviour and practice culminating in a period of work based learning (WB5101) in which students will have the opportunity to transfer acquired skills, knowledge and understanding. It is intended that the placement be taken in a marketing and/or advertising management based environment.

At Level Five, students will be required to evaluate, analyse, justify and differentiate.

At Level 6, the student will:-

  • develop an understanding of a complex body of knowledge, some of it at the current boundaries of an academic discipline. Through this, the student will be able to use analytical techniques and problem solving skills that can be applied in many types of employment in the Marketing and Advertising Management Industry.
  • be able to evaluate evidence, arguments and assumptions, to reach sound judgements, and to communicate effectively.  

A Level 6 the student will develop an understanding of how organisations undertake Marketing and Advertising at a strategic level through TM6002 (Strategic Marketing Management), TM6004 (MarComms) and ME6701 (Strategic Branding). The cutting edge areas of Marketing are also covered in TM6019 (Digital Marketing Futures).  Specialisation will be achieved through the completion of an individual research project, which focuses on an appropriate marketing or advertising management issue in module BU6024 (Business Research Project)  or a more pratical version of this (MP6002).

At Level Six, students will be required to criticise, synthesise, appraise and formulate.

Running alongside the core practical skills modules will be theory-based modules which enable students to make sense of and apply those practical skills.   The student will be expected to develop towards ownership of their own learning process at level six.

This will particularly apply to modules which require conceptual analysis and reflection. Thinking and cognitive skills include creative thinking, critical and conceptual reflection and analysis, interdisciplinary linkages and action-learning activities.

Thinking and cognitive skills are expected to develop across the three years of study, with progression from an emphasis on clear description and understanding, to demonstration of analytical and critical skills by the end of the studies. Module linked to this staged development of cognitive skills are as follows:-

Level 4

  • Find, read and understand Marketing, Digital Marketing and Advertising Management specific texts, including primary sources, and reference them using an appropriate referencing format (all modules)
  • Interpret basic data and data sets (TM4031), (ME4701) 
  • Be able to write reports in a standard business format (TM4027), (TM4001)
  • Analyse data using appropriate level tests (TM4031)
  • Design and create effective advertising solutions (ME4703)

Level 5

  • The ability to synthesise material across a range of sources, looking for general principles to increase the power of analysis (all modules)
  • The ability to analyse data using complex tests of relationship and difference, and text-based analysis, (ME5701), (ME5702), (TM5030)
  • Adapt copy writing styles for specific audiences (ME5701) 
  • Problem-solving (TM5030) 
  • Reflection upon a period of work based activity (WB5101)
  • The ability to critique a source (all modules)
  • Design and create advertising and marketing artefacts using a wide range of media (ME5702)

Level 6

  • The planning and conduct of an extended piece of original research relevant to the subject discipline (BU6024)
  • The ability to apply a critical and analytical stance to the reading and reporting of research and other texts (all modules)
  • To problem-solve and critically evaluate (all modules)
  • To comprehend and analyse complex data sets (TM6019) 


Professional and practical skills

Students will demonstrate the ability to manage their time, and to plan, conduct and report research in a variety of formats, and deal with statistical and textual analysis of data. Students will gain experience in project management consistent with practice in professional contexts, as well as knowledge of ethical standards in research. They will demonstrate numerical skills appropriate to the interpretation of large data sets; use of information technology (including use of specialist digital marketing software for analysis and campaign planning); the ability to work effectively in a team; the ability to plan and carry out work individually, keeping to deadlines; the ability to reflect upon their own learning and performance and enhance their abilities in the light of that reflection.


In terms of practical skills, these will be firmly embedded in the skills modules, which will develop practical production skills that are related to the assessments through the creation of artefacts for a Portfolio.  Other modules will teach and assess certain specific practical skills, such as how to undertake market research. These are linked across the levels to ensure that the basic skills learned at level 4 become more strategic and advanced skills at higher levels. For example,  copywriting or content marketing skills’ at level 4 will become 'writing for strategic management reports' at level 6.  Students will be assessed in relation to their willingness and ability to critically reflect on the development of a skill, enabling them to 'own' their own portfolio of skills. The outcomes include the practical skills related to the following (the level will dictate the learning outcomes):

Level 4

  • Time management (all modules)
  • Reflection skills (TM4027)
  • An awareness of ethical issues relating to Marketing Practice (TM4001)
  • Technology skills (ME4701), (ME4703), (TM4031)

Level 5

  • Project management (ME5701), (ME5702), (TM5030)
  • The ability to work as a key member of a team (WB5101)
  • Enhanced reflection skills (WB5101)

Level 6

  • The ability to plan, manage, conduct and report a complex individual project (BU6024),
  • Apply Marketing, Digital Marketing and Advertising Management knowledge to a range of real-world problems and issues (ME6701, TM6019)
  • The ability to reflect on and document own skills-base with a view to strengthening an employability portfolio (ME6701)
  • MP6002 for Advertising is a more practical version of the dissertation module where students have the option to deliver their dissertation through a more practical route if they choose an Advertising specific topic.  



In terms of Communications skills, the following skills are mapped to programme level,

Level 4

  • Describe Marketing, Digital Marketing and Advertising Management concepts, theories and frameworks both orally (through presentations) and in all written work including Digital Marketing campaigns (all modules)
  • Be able to write for an academic audience (all modules) and end-customer audience (ME4701, ME4703) 
  • To have knowledge of and develop practical production skills in visual communication (ME4701, ME4703)


Level 5

  • Develop a coherent and evidence-based argument (all modules)
  • Adapt copy and content writing styles for specific audiences (ME5701, TM5030)
  • Communicate fluently with members of a team (WB5101)

Level 6

  • Fluent and accurate written communication, based on clear and critical argument and evidence-based reasoning (all modules)
  • Fluent written communication suitable for an end-consumer audience (ME6703, ME6701)


The programme is a three year honours degree course offering a combination of Marketing and Advertising Management.

Each module is worth 20 credits, with 200 hours of learning activity and an average across the programme of 48 contact hours per module at level 4, 40 at level 5 and 36 at level 6. These are weighted towards more traditional contact activities at level 4 and more independent student learning at level 6.  The level of a module is determined by linking the intended learning outcomes and the assessment criteria to the descriptors of the characteristics of learning for each level; assessment is informed by generic marking criteria. Qualifications are awarded to mark the achievement of positively defined outcomes which are transparent in the module descriptors. 

At Level 4 students will learn about the history and origins of Advertising. They will also develop their knowledge of the principle of marketing by learning how to analyse the marketing environment, understand the principles of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, and develop business skills, such as implementing the marketing mix. They will develop basic skills in the production of a range of advertising products using commercial software. The growing importance of Digital Marketing will also be covered.

At Level Four, students will be expected to describe, discuss, compare/contrast and outline

Level 5 builds on the knowledge gained in Year 1 and aims to develop  core understanding of Marketing and Advertising.  The Level 5 modules will increase understanding and hone student’s ability to apply theory into practice in all the main areas of Marketing, Advertising, Digital and Market Research. Advanced production skills will be further developed. Real world experience, via a work-based learning placement, is also available - a key advantage on any graduate CV.

At Level Five, students will be required to evaluate, analyse, justify and differentiate.

For Level 6 topics include Brand, Brand Management and Marketing Communications. The continuation of the learning journey for the core Marketing and Advertising Management subjects is realised by exploring the leading edge developments in these fascinating subjects.

At Level Six, students will be required to criticise, synthesise, appraise and formulate.

Mod-Code Level Title Credit Single
ME4701 4 Introduction to Advertising Theory & Practice 20 N/A
ME4703 4 Introduction to Digital Advertising Practice 20 N/A
TM4001 4 Marketing Principles 20 N/A
TM4027 4 Developing Professional Practice 20 N/A
TM4030 4 The Digital Landscape 20 N/A
TM4031 4 Principles of Web Design 20 N/A
BU5002 5 Contemporary Issues in Business and Management 20 N/A
ME5701 5 Advanced Advertising Theory and Practice 20 N/A
ME5702 5 Advanced Digital Advertising Practice 20 N/A
TM5022 5 Marketing Management 20 N/A
TM5030 5 Social Media Marketing 20 N/A
WB5101 5 Enhancing your Employability through Work Based Learning 20 N/A
WB5104 5 Employability Skills Analysis Development and Planning 20 N/A
BU6002 6 Strategic Management 20 Optional
BU6024 6 Management Research Project 40 Optional
ME6701 6 Strategic Branding 20 Comp
ME6703 6 Creative Branding 20 Optional
MP6002 6 Negotiated Study (double) 40 Optional
TM6004 6 Marketing Communications 20 Comp
TM6019 6 Digital Marketing Futures 20 Comp

120 credits at Level 4 entitles the student to a Certificate of Higher Education

240 credits by the end of Level 5 entitles the student to a Diploma of Higher Education

360 credits by the end of Level 6 entitles the student to a Bachelor’s degree

Total:360 Credits

It is intended that the programme should be accredited by the Institute of Direct Marketing. To this end, students must complete all mandatory modules.

This programme is available to anyone capable of reaching the required entry standards. 104 UCAS points from GCE A Levels or equivalent. Please note that we accept a maximum of 8 UCAS points from GCE AS Levels and that the Welsh Baccalaureate (core) and A Level General Studies will be recognised in our offer. We will also consider a combination of A Levels and BTECs/OCRs, Vocational A/AS Level awards , or from Level 3 certification. BTEC National Certificate/Diploma applicants will have a minimum of a Merit profile.  Applicants will be expected to hold a GCSE Mathematics qualification at grade C or above. Irish and Scottish Highers: a minimum of BBCC 30 points for applicants studying on the International or European Baccalaureate.  Applications will be considered on an individual basis.


Relevant Subject Benchmark Statements have been referenced for the development of this programme. For Marketing and related modules the Business and Management Benchmark Statement (2019) has been used. The Subject Benchmark Statement utilised for the Advertising part of the programme is' Art & Design' (2019) and is available on the QAA website (

Knowledge based benchmarking for Marketing modules

Each module has a limited number of carefully selected Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) that are pre-eminent within each module and that represent the opportunity for the student to demonstrate their abilities and achievements against those PLOs. The PLOs are aligned to the respective level descriptor from either the General Business and Management Benchmark Statement (Marketing modules) or  the Framework for Higher Education (FHEQ) for Advertising specific modules. 

The following provides examples or knowledge topics to be covered mapped to the relevant modules:-

  1. Markets - the development and operation of markets for resources, goods and services.  Covered in the Marketing specific modules at all levels
  2. Customers - customer expectations, service and orientation. Covered in the Marketing and Advertising specific modules at all levels
  3. Finance - the sources, uses and management of finance; the use of accounting and other information systems for managerial application. Covered in TM4031, TM4027
  4. People - the management and development of people within organisations. Covered in TM6002.
  5. Information systems - the development, management and exploitation of information systems and their impact upon organisations. Covered in TM4031, ME4701. ME4703, TM5030
  6. Communication and information technology - the comprehension and use of relevant communication and information technologies for application in business and management. Covered in TM4031, ME4701. ME4703, TM5030
  7. Business policy and strategy - the development of appropriate policies and strategies within a changing environment, to meet stakeholder interests. Covered in TM6002,TM6004, ME6701
  8. Pervasive issues - sustainability, globalisation, corporate social responsibility, diversity, business innovation, creativity, enterprise development, knowledge management and risk management. Covered in TM6002

Specifically with the Advertising Management modules in mind, the relation of modules and levels of study to the Framework for Higher Education (FHEQ) is as follows:

Level Four is consistent with the FHEQ certificate level, where the holder "will have a sound knowledge of the basic concepts of the subject, and will have learned how to take different approaches to solving problems". Students who successfully complete this level, but do not progress to Level Five will be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education. 

Level Five is consistent with FHEQ intermediate level, where the holder "will have developed a sound understanding of the principles in their field of study, and will have learned to apply those principles more widely." Students who successfully complete this level but do not attain a degree will be awarded a Diploma of Higher Education. 

Level Six is consistent with FHEQ honours level, where graduates "will have developed an understanding of a complex body of knowledge, some of it at the current boundaries of an academic discipline. Through this, the graduate will have developed analytical techniques and problem-solving skills that can be applied in many types of employment. The graduate will be able to evaluate evidence, arguments and assumptions, to reach sound judgements, and to communicate effectively. An Honours graduate should have the qualities needed for employment in situations requiring the exercise of personal responsibility, and decision-making in complex and unpredictable circumstances." Students who successfully complete this stage will be awarded a BA Honours degree in Advertising.

The subsequent programme outcomes have been distributed across all the modules in each level so that on successful completion of all module-specific assessment tasks and activities in each level, all the programme outcomes have been achieved.

The methods of learning and teaching are geared to progression and integration through the levels of the programme.  The individual module descriptors provide details of learning outcomes as well as methods of teaching and learning.  The major forms of teaching methods will be lectures, seminars and workshops.  Other methodologies will be employed as appropriate.  These may include; field trips, visits, directed reading, interactive learning via the University computer network, case study analysis, individual research, group learning activities, reflective log/portfolio (e.g. utilising student progress files in relation to personal development planning) and presentations.  

During the current COVID 19 crisis, Large group teaching will be delivered online and may be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous delivery depending on the material to be delivered.Subject content can be provided in a variety of different ways to suit the topic and individual learning styles. For example, a series of videos and/or podcasts might be prepared and published online to a particular schedule.

Seminars may be designed flexibly so that they can be conducted either online or in small group settings where this can be achieved safely.

Practical skills may be developed through supervised laboratory sessions when these can be safely facilitated. Where these are not possible, online simulation and electronic resources might be provided.

Industry practitioners will also be used wherever possible, as repositories of up to date, expert knowledge in their specialist or functional areas. 

The Department seeks to deliver varied, high-quality learning experiences, teaching and assessment in order to develop appropriate knowledge and understanding, and to enhance a variety of key/transferable skills.  This is facilitated through the outcome-directed nature of learning, teaching and assessment, in a student-centred environment, which provides incremental opportunities for independent and autonomous learning.

The assessment strategy for this degree will serve two purposes:

  • To test the level of knowledge and skills acquired, measured against the specified learning outcomes, and applied within a relevant business context;
  • To promote teaching to learning, which will assist students in the achievement of academic goals and imbue them with skills and attitudes which will assist in life-long learning.

Assessment will follow the university model of a 4,000 word equivalency per module.  Each module will be summatively assessed by a minimum of two assessments, with formative assessment also employed throughout.  Student assessment will employ rigorous, objective testing to ensure that learning outcomes are met.

Assessment tasks will grow in sophistication and complexity as a student progresses on the programme.  For example:

  • at Level Four a student may be asked to describe, discuss, compare, and outline;
  • at Level Five a student may be asked to evaluate, analyse, justify, and differentiate; 
  • at Level Six a student may be asked to criticise, synthesise, appraise, formulate.

However, it is expected that students will begin to use and develop critical skills from the beginning of the programme.

Students will be assessed in a number of ways, including essays, industry-related reports, presentations,  debates, assessed seminars, reflective reports and  examinations.   

The departmental assessment strategy has been created in accordance to the University's Teaching, Learning & Assessment strategy

Students completing the Marketing and Advertising Management Single Honours programme should meet the QAA’s Benchmark document’s standards on knowledge and understanding, skills and the assessment strategies.  The outcome of level three should be a graduate student who will be able to offer added value to the market place by meeting the expectations of employers via the application of acquired transferable, integrated skills, and the developed body of knowledge gained from the programme. 

In addition the graduate will have amassed valuable life skills such as self-awareness, creative problem solving, and autonomy, which could be applied in a wide variety of circumstances which they will face. They will have been instilled with a positive attitude towards reflection, self- awareness and will possess openness towards seeking out life-long learning opportunities, which may be translated into the pursuit of professional qualifications.  

A typical graduating student will:

  • have a wide knowledge and understanding of the broad range of areas of business and management and the detailed relationships between these, their application and their importance in an integrated framework
  • consistently demonstrate a command of subject-specific skills including application of knowledge, as well as proficiency in intellectual skills
  • have a view of business and management which is influenced by a variety of learning sources including guided learning, team work and independent study
  • be distinguished by their enhanced capacity to develop and apply their own perspectives to their studies, to deal with uncertainty and complexity, to explore alternative solutions, to demonstrate critical evaluation and to integrate theory and practice in a wide range of situations.

Consistent with the University’s commitment to widen access and participation, the Department has a flexible admissions policy, and encourages applications from mature students and from groups normally under-represented in higher education. The general policy is to look for a good level of literacy, together with proven interest and/or experience in an appropriate subject.

The Department has considerable experience in successfully addressing the practical and learning needs of a wide range of students.  This includes mature students, those entering education with a non-standard academic background and those with a wide range of disabilities.  Equality and diversity issues are embedded and addressed in all departmental modules. 

Students studying on the programme will benefit from the experience of staff within the department. For example, extensive experience in delivering management training for organisations and practising managers at undergraduate and postgraduate level will continues to inform the curriculum. The Department has links with Liverpool City Council, Wirral Council, Chester Business Club, Chester & Warrington Chambers of Commerce, the Mersey-Dee Alliance, the Leadership Trust Forum, and the Birchwood Business Forum. The department is also a member of the Association of Business Schools and the European Foundation for Management Development


The University of Chester is taking steps to mitigate the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, whilst ensuring an excellent academic experience for our students. During the 2021-22 academic year, it is anticipated that the University will deliver programmes of study in a mode of blended online and face-to-face sessions. This statement describes how this will be implemented and should be read in conjunction with section 28 of this document and section 11 of the module descriptors associated with this programme.

 The hybrid model has been designed to safeguard the interests of students whilst upholding the University’s academic standards. This ensures that students can engage in high quality learning and teaching to support them to achieve the learning outcomes for this programme, irrespective of the prevailing conditions. Adopting a hybrid model of delivery will result in a different type of learning experience for many students. In order to ensure that ensure that all students are able to benefit from this, the University is seeking to engage students early and often to ensure that we continue to serve their needs appropriately.

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