University of Chester

Programme Specification
Hospitality Management BA (Hons) (Single Honours)
2017 - 2018

Bachelor of Arts (Single Honours)

Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management (including a Foundation Year)

4a. Award

4b. Title

Diploma of Higher Education
Certificate of Higher Education
Foundation Certificate

University of Chester

University of Chester

Chester (Foundation Year); Warrington (Level 4-6)

Undergraduate Modular Programme

Full-time and Part-time

Classroom / Laboratory,

4 Years

7 Years

Annual - September - October




17a. Faculty

17b. Department

Business and Management Warrington School of Management

Hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism (2008) (PDF, 89 KB)

Foundation School (Level 3); Business and Management (Level 4-6)

Thursday 21st January 2016


It is envisaged that the students taking this award will be those immediately aspiring to position at supervisory and junior management level and later in their careers to senior management within the hospitality field.

According to a survey undertaken by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, customer service is overwhelmingly (88%) the key skill area for the sector in the future, followed by management and leadership (69%).  Additionally, the sector recognises the need for greater leadership and management development among its relatively youthful managers; indeed, this may be an aspect of the explanation for relatively high levels of churn within the sector. 

The types of skills that are difficult to recruit [include] inter-personal skills or softer skills such as communication, customer service and team working; and management and leadership skills. ( Nov 2013)

 Occupational roles in hospitality, tourism and sport are set to increase at a higher rate than across the whole economy in almost all cases.  Of most importance are the three largest occupational groups within hospitality, tourism and sport (elementary occupations, managers, directors and senior officials and skilled trades occupations) (UKCES Hospitality, Tourism and Sport: Sector Skills Assessment 2012, p133).



  • To equip students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required by employers in the hospitality industry, by using teaching, learning and assessment strategies that build their professional and academic competency.       
  • To develop students’ capacity for the critical evaluation of arguments and evidence in the area of hospitality management.    
  • To promote skills of evaluation and judgment in relation to Hospitality Management.
  • To demonstrate an ability to analyse data from multiple sources and draw reasoned conclusions concerning structured and unstructured problems.      
  • To develop sense of inquiry, critical thinking and research skills and ability within the field of hospitality. 
  • To demonstrate application of skills in communication and information technology through  acquiring, analysing and communicating information (including use of spreadsheets, standard statistical packages, word processing and databases).

To expand the capacity for independent and self managed learning by encouraging the knowledge, skills and attitudes to become life-long learners who recognise the need to engage in continuous personal and professional development in the Hospitality sector.

At level 3 students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a knowledge of terms and concepts relevant to the subject-specific modules.
  • Use academic study skills at the required level for further study at the University.
  • Identify how theory can be applied to practice.
  • Be aware of how undergraduate study prepares students for a professional career.


At level 4 students will be expected to:

•develop an understanding of the development of knowledge in Hospitality Management (TM4005, TM4105);

•develop an understanding of the need for both a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach to study, drawing, as appropriate, from service, research and professional contexts (BU4001, TM4001, TM4026, TM4027);

•understand the subject of hospitality management through both academic and professional reflective practice (BU4001, TM4105, TM4005);

•develop an understanding of the moral, ethical, environmental and legal issues which underpin best practice (BU4001, TM4005, TM4026, TM4027).


At level 5 students will be expected to:

•cultivate an understanding of the need for both a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach to study, of hospitality management (BU5011, TM5025, WB5101);

•demonstrate an understanding of planning and management of the subject through both academic and professional reflective practice (BU5011, TM5025, TM5105);

•demonstrate research and problem-solving abilities by critically understanding methods of acquiring, interpreting and analysing information appropriate to the study of hospitality management (BU5011, TM5017, WB5101);

•be able to express an awareness of the moral and legal issues which underpin best practice in the hospitality management industry (TM5017, TM5025, TM5105).


At level 6 students will be expected to:

•demonstrate ability to theorise and critically apply appropriate research and problem-solving approaches in order to obtain, interpret and analyse information appropriate to events management (BU6002, BU6024, TM6020)

•synthesize and critically analyse the subject through academic practice (BU6002, BU6024, TM6101)

•synthesize and critically analyse the subject through professional reflective practice (TM6020, TM6023, TM6101)

•demonstrate a critical awareness of the moral and ethical issues that underpin best practice (BU6002, BU6024, TM6020, TM6023).

At level 3 students should be able to:

  • Analyse, interpret and summarise information.
  • Write in an academic manner.
  • Begin to reflect on their own learning and use feedback as part of this process.
  • Demonstrate independent learning.
  • Integrate a variety of information sources to develop academically and professionally.


At level 4 students will be expected to:

•take responsibility for their learning and continuing professional development (all modules, TM4027, TM4026)

•research and assess subject specific theories, paradigms, principles and concepts (BU4001, TM4001, TM4005, TM4026);

•assess and evaluate appropriate data and text evidence and information (TM4005, TM4026, TM4105);

•apply knowledge and understanding to the solution of familiar and challenging problems (BU4001, TM4005, TM4026);

•develop reasoned arguments and challenge assumptions (TM4005, TM4026).


At level 5 students will be expected to:

•develop ongoing responsibility for their learning and continuing professional development and planning (TM5010, TM5025, TM5105, ; WB5101 or WB5004);

•analytically research, assess and embed subject specific theories, paradigms, principles and concepts (BU5011, TM5025, TM5105);

•develop a critical awareness of the role of appropriate data and information (BU5011, TM5025, TM5105);

•develop critically reasoned arguments that challenge assumptions (BU5011, TM5017, TM5105);


At level 6 students will be expected to:

•demonstrate a critical awareness and synthesis of their professional development with regards to the hospitality management industry (BU6002, TM6023, BU6024, TM6101);

•critically assess and synthesize relevant detailed evidence and information (BU6002, BU6024, TM6101);

•critically apply theory and knowledge to problem solving situations (BU6002, TM6020);

•synthesize a range of principles, models and concepts (BU6002, BU6024, TM6020, TM6101).

At level 3 students should be able to:

  • Retrieve and collate information from a variety of sources.
  • Use proficient reading and writing skills in preparation for the next level of study.
  • Demonstrate ability in Business, Law and Social Sciences applications.
  • Present computing and numerical skill in the production of their assessed work.
  • Work with others for problem-solving activities.


At level 4 students will be expected to:

•develop the ability to plan, design and execute practical activities using appropriate techniques and procedures (TM4026, TM4105);

•undertake fieldwork with due regard to safety and risk assessment (TM4005, TM4026);

•undertake volunteering activities with due regard for safety, risk assessment and event planning (TM4005, TM4026);

•recognise and respond to moral, ethical and safety issues which directly pertain to the subject domain including relevant legislation and professional codes of conduct (TM4026, TM4105).


At level 5 students will be expected to:

•plan, design and execute and evaluate practical activities using appropriate planning techniques and procedures (TM5017, TM5025);

•thoroughly plan, evaluate and communicate critical pieces of independent intellectual work using appropriate evidence (BU5011, TM5205, WB5101);

•recognise and thoroughly examine moral, ethical and safety issues which directly pertain to the subject domain including relevant legislation and professional codes of conduct (TM5017, TM5025, TM5105);


At level 6 students will be expected to:

•critically plan, design and communicate a sustained piece of independent academic work using appropriate media (BU6024);

•identify and critically apply ethical and safety issues which directly pertain to the subject domain including relevant legislation and professional codes of conduct (TM6020, TM6101).

At level 3 students should be able to:

  • Communicate the ideas of others and their own ideas in an academic format.
  • Use IT applications effectively for research and presentation purposes.
  • Discuss and debate relevant topics and ideas as part of the learning process.
  • Convert researched information to a summarised form.


At level 4 students will be expected to:

•demonstrate oral and written communication abilities using a range of media (BU4001, TM4005, TM4026, TM4105);

•show the ability to treat numerical and statistical information in an inquiring manner (TM4026);

•develop and improve their own learning and personal performance, including self-awareness and independence (BU4001, TM4026, TM4027)

•develop working relationships with fellow students and external partners including team building, project management skills, negotiation and presentation (TM4026);

•develop and demonstrate problem solving abilities in a range of situations and tasks/problems (BU4001, TM4026, TM4105).


At level 5 students will be expected to:

•demonstrate critical oral and written communication skills (TM5025, TM5105, WB5004, WB5101);

•demonstrate ability to analyse numerical and statistical information in a critical manner (BU5011, TM5025);

•further develop and improve their own learning and personal performance, including self-awareness and independence (BU5011, WB5004, WB5101)

•create effective relationships with fellow students and external partners including team work, negotiation and evaluation (TM5025, WB5004, WB5101);


At level 6 students will be expected to:

•demonstrate and synthesize critical oral and written communication abilities using a range of media (BU6002, BU6024);

•display a clear understanding of the critical analysis of numerical and statistical data in an inquiring manner, including data analysis and interpretation (BU6002);

•critically analyse personal performance, including self-awareness and reflective, adaptive & collaborative learning (TM6020, TM6023, BU6024);

The foundation year of the programme is designed to introduce students to topics within Business, Law and Social Sciences undergraduate degrees offered by the University, in conjunction with an academic skills curriculum to support learning and preparation for progression to level 4. There are synergies between the foundation year and the level 4 curriculum that students progress to. This includes module topics and themes that relate to the transference of knowledge and skills to the workplace, and the relevance of differing modes of teaching, learning and assessment.

There is a 20 credit module within the foundation year, University Study Skills, which offers students skills-based learning in preparation for level 4-6 studies to support academic progression, and to provide an introduction to successful undergraduate studentship.

There is an expectation that degree programmes covered by this subject benchmark statement should provide a broad, analytical and highly integrated study of Hospitality Management. Students should be able to demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding of organisations, the external environment in which they operate and how they are managed. There is likely to be an emphasis upon understanding and responding to change and the consideration of the future of organisations and the external environment in which they operate. The interrelationships among and the interconnectedness between these areas is very important within the overall student learning experience, and should be demonstrated in the capabilities of successful students from all modes of delivery.

The programme is designed as a balanced academic and vocationally orientated programme that aims to prepare students to become competent and knowledgeable in the field of Hospitality Management. It aims to provide students with the requisite academic, vocational and transferable skills, knowledge and understanding to embark upon careers in the  hospitality sector. The structure of the programme has been developed based upon the requirements of the QAA. 

The programme offers a coherent articulation for Level 3 graduates of related disciplines and graduates of GCE A-level. It is particularly suited to students interested in careers in the hospitality industry but will also appeal to students seeking opportunities in general management roles. It is also designed to provide students with an opportunity to extend and advance existing hospitality study by developing professional skills and knowledge.

The structure of the post-foundation level programme is composed of THREE Levels (Level 4, 5 & 6) with six modules of 20 credits each at level 4 and five modules at Levels 5 and 6 (of either 20 or 40 credits each). The programme requires 3 years to complete 16 modules totalling 360 credits for graduation.

Level 4 concentrates on building and consolidating knowledge and understanding of fundamental hospitality business operation and management, including marketing, management of accommodation and facilities and events  operation.

Level 5 students will explore the contexts in which Hospitality Management managers operate.  Key aspects of business, management, behaviour and practice will be developed culminating in a period of Work Based or Experiential Learning in which students will have the opportunity to transfer acquired skills, knowledge and understanding.  The core, 40 credit module, The Live Event, affords students an opportunity to link theoretical knowledge with practical management skills. 

Students may undertake WB5004 International Exchange as a replacement year of level 5. This module provides students with an opportunity to replace their second year of study by studying at a different University in an overseas country. It is crucial that the content of the modules offered by the overseas University match those that would have been studied during  the student's second year at the University of Chester.

Level 6 students will develop an understanding of how organisations undertake Hospitality Management at a strategic level, and how a range of contemporary issues relate to hospitality managers. Students will also complete a dissertation, as a major piece of autonomous work, which requires them to focus on an appropriate management issue.

These modules will enable students to demonstrate that they have developed an understanding of the complex and contemporary body of knowledge relating to hospitality management, have developed analytical techniques and problem-solving skills that can be applied in many types of employment, and will be able to evaluate evidence, arguments and assumptions, to reach sound judgements, and to communicate effectively.  Students graduating with a Hospitality Management Single Honours degree will be able to demonstrate that they have the qualities needed for managers employed in situations requiring the exercise of personal responsibility, and decision-making in complex and unpredictable circumstances.

 All options will only run when sufficient numbers have signed up for the modules.

Mod-Code Level Title Credit Single
FP3002 0 University Study Skills 20 Comp
FP3003 0 Independent Project 20 Comp
FP3101 0 Introduction to Business 20 Comp
FP3102 0 Introduction to the Social Sciences 20 N/A
FP3103 0 Introduction to Law 20 Comp
FP3104 0 Foundation Maths 20 Comp
FP3105 0 Global Perspectives 20 Comp
BU4001 4 Managing People and Organisations 20 Comp
TM4001 4 Marketing Principles 20 Comp
TM4005 4 Introduction to Events Management 20 Comp
TM4026 4 Events Management in Practice 20 Comp
TM4027 4 Developing Professional Practice 20 Comp
TM4105 4 Accommodation and Facilities 20 Comp
BU5011 5 Research in Context 20 Comp
TM5017 5 Sports and Cultural Events 20 N/A
TM5025 5 The Live Event 40 Comp
TM5105 5 Quality Management in Hospitality 20 Comp
WB5004 5 Learning in the Wider World 20 Optional
WB5101 5 Enhancing your Employability through Work Based Learning 20 Optional
BU6002 6 Strategic Management 20 Comp
BU6024 6 Management Research Project 40 Comp
TM6020 6 Managing Major Events 20 Comp
TM6023 6 Preparing for Professional Success 20 Comp
TM6101 6 International Hospitality Marketing 20 Comp

Level 3: 120 credits

Level 4: 120 credits

Level 5: 120 credits

Level 6: 120 credits

Total:480 credits

  • 29 UCAS points from GCE A Levels
  • BTEC Extended Diploma: MMP-MPP
  • BTEC Diploma: MM
  • Access Diploma – Pass overall
  • International Baccalaureate: 24 points
  • Irish / Scottish Highers - CCCC

Other vocational qualifications at Level 3 will also be considered, such as NVQs.

Mature students (21 and over) that have been out of education for a while or do not have experience or qualifications at Level 3 (equivalent to A-levels) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Please note: certain courses may require students to have studied a specific subject at GCE A level (or acceptable alternatives) e.g. Biology, Maths or Chemistry, or GCSE Maths at grade C.

Knowledge, understanding and skills


Graduates of programmes in the HLST subject grouping will have developed a

range of skills and aptitudes, including being able to:

􀁺 research and assess paradigms, theories, principles, concepts and factual

information, and apply such skills in explaining and solving problems

  •  BU4001, TM4001, TM4005, TM4105, BU5011, TM5025, TM5105, BU6002, BU6024, TM6101

􀁺 critically assess and evaluate evidence in the context of research methodologies

and data sources

  •  BU5011, BU6024

􀁺 critically interpret data of different kinds and appraise the strengths and

weaknesses of approaches adopted

  •  BU4001,TM4001, TM4005, TM5017, TM5025, WB5004, WB5101, BU6002, TM6020, TM6101

􀁺 describe, synthesise, interpret, analyse and evaluate information and data relevant

to a professional or vocational context

  •  TM4027, BU5011, TM5105, BU6002, TM6023

􀁺 plan, design, execute and communicate a sustained piece of independent

intellectual work which provides evidence of critical engagement with,

and interpretation of, appropriate data

  •  BU5011, BU6024

􀁺 apply knowledge to the solution of familiar and unfamiliar problems


􀁺 develop a sustained reasoned argument, perhaps challenging previously

held assumptions


􀁺 demonstrate effective communication and presentation skills

  •  BU4001, TM5017, TM5025, WB5101, TM6020, TM6023

􀁺 work effectively independently and with others


􀁺 take and demonstrate responsibility for their own learning and continuing

personal and professional development

  •  TM4027, WB5004, WB5101, TM6023

􀁺 self-appraise and reflect on practice

  •  BU4001, WB5004, WB5101, TM6023,

􀁺 plan, design, manage and execute practical activities using appropriate

techniques and procedures whilst demonstrating high levels of relevant skills

  •  TM4008, BU4001, TM5025, TM6020

􀁺 recognise and respond to moral, ethical, sustainability and safety issues which

directly pertain to the context of study including relevant legislation and

professional codes of conduct

  •  TM4105, TM5105, TM6101

􀁺 undertake fieldwork with continuous regard for safety and risk assessment.

  •  TM5025


5.3 Where a programme title contains the word 'management' then it should,

among other things, enable students to:

􀁺 demonstrate vocationally relevant managerial skills and knowledge by exposure to

professional practice

  •  TM4005, TM4008, TM4027, BU4001, TM5025, TM5105, TM6101

􀁺 evaluate and apply vocationally relevant concepts associated with the operational

and strategic management of financial, human and physical resources.

  •  BU4001, TM4005, TM4008, TM5025, TM5105, BU6002, TM6101, TM6020


An honours graduate in hospitality will be able to analyse and evaluate the

defining characteristics of hospitality as a phenomenon, including being able to:

􀁺 critically reflect upon the origin, meanings and development of hospitality

  •  TM4005, TM4008,TM4105, TM5025, TM5105, TM6020, TM6101,

􀁺 analyse and reflect on the different cultural concepts of hospitality

  •  TM6101

􀁺 demonstrate a critical awareness of the boundaries of hospitality.

  •  TM4105, TM5105, TM5025, TM6101


6.7 An honours graduate in hospitality will be able to use technical and interpersonal

skills and knowledge to propose and evaluate practical and theoretical solutions to

complex problems in the core areas of hospitality, including being able to:


􀁺 operate and manage human and technical resources

  •  BU4001, TM4105, TM5025, TM5105, TM6020, TM6101

􀁺 apply theory to the solution of complex problems within the core areas

of hospitality

  •  TM4008, TM4105, TM5025, TM5105, TM6020, TM6101

􀁺 analyse and evaluate food, beverage and/or accommodation service systems,

their implementation and operation.

  •  TM4105, TM5105, TM6101


6.8 An honours graduate in hospitality will be able to evaluate and apply, within the

hospitality context, appropriate theories and concepts from the generic management

areas of:

􀁺 operations management

  •  TM4105, TM5105, TM5025, TM6101

􀁺 finance and management accounting

  •  TM4008, TM5025, TM6020

􀁺 human resources and organisational behaviour

  •  BU4001, TM4008, TM5025, TM6020

􀁺 services marketing

  • TM4001,  

􀁺 information systems and technology

  •  TM4008, TM4105, TM5105, TM5025, TM6020

􀁺 strategic management.

  •  BU6002, TM6020


6.9 An honours graduate in hospitality will be able to analyse and evaluate the

business environment and its impact on the hospitality industry, including being able to:

􀁺 display an insight into the structure of the hospitality industry and the

contribution that it makes to the global economy

  •  TM6101

􀁺 analyse and reflect upon the environmental influences which impact on

hospitality organisations

  •  TM4001, TM5105, TM6101

􀁺 evaluate the factors which influence the development of organisations operating

within the hospitality industry

  •  TM4001, TM4005, TM4008, BU4001, TM4105, TM5017, BU6002

􀁺 review and analyse the political, technological, social and economic factors which

affect the supply of and demand for hospitality


6.10 An honours graduate in hospitality will be able to recognise and value the

centrality of the hospitality consumer and meet and respond to their needs,

including being able to:

􀁺 understand and apply the theories and concepts underpinning consumer

behaviour within the hospitality context

  •  TM4001, TM4105, TM5105, TM6101

􀁺 analyse the needs and expectations of different hospitality consumers and

develop appropriate responses

  •  TM4001, BU4001, TM4008, TM5105, TM5025, TM6101

􀁺 analyse the quality of the service encounter and its impact on the hospitality

consumer and the service provider.

  •  TM5025, TM5105

6.11 An honours graduate in hospitality will be able to identify and respond

appropriately to the diversity that prevails within the hospitality industry in relation to

stakeholders, such as:

􀁺 hospitality consumers,

  • TM4008, TM4105, TM5017, TM5105, TM6020, TM6101

􀁺 hospitality employees,

  • BU4001, TM5025, TM6020

􀁺 hospitality organisations


The methods of learning and teaching are geared to progression and integration through the programme.  The individual module descriptors provide details of learning outcomes as well as methods of teaching and learning.  The major forms of teaching methods will be lectures, seminars and workshops.  Other methodologies will be employed as appropriate.  These may include: field trips, visits, directed reading, interactive learning via computer network, case study analysis, individual research, group learning activities, reflective log/portfolio (e.g. utilising student progress files in relation to personal development planning) and presentations.  Industry practitioners will also be used wherever possible, as experts in up to date knowledge in their specialist or functional areas.   Warrington School of Management seeks to deliver varied, high-quality learning experiences, teaching and assessment in order to develop appropriate knowledge and understanding, and to enhance a variety of key/transferable skills.  This is facilitated through the outcome-directed nature of learning, teaching and assessment, in a student-centred environment, which provides incremental opportunities for independent and autonomous learning. The assessment strategy for this degree will serve three purposes: 

1). To test the level of knowledge and skills acquired, measured against the specified learning outcomes and applied within the fields of hospitality. 

2). To provide the vehicle for modular integration throughout the programme.        

3). To promote teaching and learning, which will assist students in the achievement of academic goals and imbue them with skills and attitudes which will assist in life-long learning.

Assessment will follow the university model of a 4,000 word equivalency per module.  Each module will be summatively assessed by a minimum of two assessments, with formative assessment also employed throughout.  Student assessment will employ rigorous, objective testing to ensure that learning outcomes are met. Assessment tasks will grow in sophistication and complexity as a student progresses on the programme; for example:

  • At Level 4 a student may be asked to describe, discuss, compare, and outline;
  • At Level 5 a student may be asked to evaluate, analyse, justify, and differentiate; 
  • At Level 6  a student may be asked to criticise, synthesise, appraise, formulate.

Students will be assessed in a number of ways, including essays, industry-related reports, presentations, assessed seminars, reflective reports, examinations.  For reference, the departmental assessment strategy has been created in accordance to the University's Teaching, Learning & Assessment strategy. 

Students completing the BA (Hons) in Hospitality Management programme should meet the QAA’s Benchmark document’s standards on knowledge and understanding, skills and the assessment strategies.  The outcome of Level 6 should be a graduate student who will be able to offer added value to the market place by meeting the expectations of employers via the application of acquired transferable, integrated skills, and the developed body of knowledge gained from the programme.   In addition the graduate will have amassed valuable life skills such as self-awareness, creative problem solving, and autonomy, which could be applied in a wide variety of circumstances which they will face. They will have been instilled with a positive attitude towards reflection, self- awareness and will possess openness towards seeking out life-long learning opportunities, which may be translated into the pursuit of professional qualifications.  

A typical hospitality management student will:·        

  • have a wide knowledge and understanding of the broad range of areas of hospitality business and management and the detailed relationships between these, their application and their importance in an integrated framework.  
  • consistently demonstrate a command of subject-specific skills including application of knowledge, as well as proficiency in intellectual skills.        
  • have a view of hospitality business and management which is influenced by a variety of learning sources including guided learning, team work and independent study.        
  • be distinguished by their enhanced capacity to develop and apply their own perspectives to their studies, to deal with uncertainty and complexity, to explore alternative solutions, to demonstrate critical evaluation and to integrate theory and practice in a wide range of situations.

Consistent with the University’s commitment to widen access and participation, the assigned Department / Campus/ Partner has a flexible admissions policy, and encourages applications from mature students and from groups normally under-represented in higher education. The general policy is to look for a good level of literacy, together with proven interest and/or experience in an appropriate subject. The delivering party has considerable experience in successfully addressing the practical and learning needs of a wide range of students.  This includes mature students, those entering education with a non-standard academic background and those with a wide range of disabilities.  Equality and diversity issues are embedded and addressed in all departmental modules.  

Students studying on the programme will benefit from the experience of staff within the department. Many staff have extensive experience in delivering management training for organisations and practising managers, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 

The Faculty of Business and Management fully endorses and adheres to the University’s established Personal Academic Tutorial scheme. All students are allocated a personal tutor and are required to attend regular meetings (particularly during the first year after the Foundation Year). Personal tutors will assist with both academic and non-academic matters. In addition, and where necessary, students will be directed to the Learning Support Services for advice and guidance.

Students will benefit from a number of key visits to local, national and international events management organisations. The department has very strong links with numerous employer organisations, local government bodies and the sub-regional tourism board Marketing Cheshire. These organisations are utilised in a number of ways ranging from guest speakers, placement & research opportunities for students and site visits. The department is also a member of the Association of Events Management Education (AEME).

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